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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College has been actively involved in the Marist Youth Program REMAR for many years.  A number of our former students have become REMAR leaders, based mainly in Melbourne, and leading young people in many schools across Australia.  However 2020 sees REMAR transitioning to a new program called GAME CHANGERS, a program which we will phase in during 2021 and 2022. 

REMAR has been a dynamic and vibrant Marist Youth Ministry program (Yr. 10-12) inspiring them to live the Gospel and to be formed as young leaders within the Marist tradition. The hope is that GAME CHANGERS will continue to provide an exciting and spiritually helpful structure for young people.  A significant shift in structure will see GAME CHANGERS available to all students from years 7-12.  The new program is highlighted by a strong sense of community, regular meetings, creative faith formation, and service opportunities.  GAME CHANGERS forms students to become faith-filled leaders and agents of change in both the school community and the wider community. 

GAME CHANGERS has three tracks, each related to the concept of following a journey.  These tracks are grounded in the stories of Jesus, Mary and the founder of the Marist Brothers, Saint Marcellin Champagnat.  Students are invited to undertake the following tracks across the six year levels, with the focus on each track over two years. 

Three Tracks:

  1. Le Rosey (Birthplace of Saint Marcellin). For Year 7 and 8 students. This group begins to form their identity and sense of community.
  2. La Valla (Saint Marcellin’s first parish and the beginnings of the Institute of the Marist Brothers).  For Year 9 and 10 students. This group discerns the concepts of Christian leadership and service.
  3. Hermitage (The spiritual home of the Marist Brothers).  For Year 11 and 12 students.  This group discerns the concepts of solidarity and vocation.

Led by a mentor, each group explores topics in the Catholic faith of Marist Charism.  These include Jesus, Mary, Marcellin, Service, Leadership and identity.