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Bath Street

Curriculum (Years Transition - 4)

The Bath Street Campus of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College caters for Transition to Year 4. The curriculum taught is the Australian Curriculum.

As a Catholic primary school, the Catholic ethos permeates all our primary teaching. Religious Education is compulsory and is taught along with all the key learning areas prescribed by the Australian Curriculum.

The key learning areas consist of:

English - Language, Literature and Literacy

Mathematics - Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability

Science – Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, Physical Sciences, Science as a Human Endeavour, Enquiry Skills

HASS – Geography, History, Civics (Years 3 and 4 only)

Health and Physical Education

Languages - Japanese

Technology and Design

The Arts - inclusive of performing arts, arts skills, music, media, visual arts.


Australian Curriculum also covers ‘General Capabilities’ which promote the teaching and learning of processes that learners should develop for active participation in today’s society.

Students at Bath Street receive two written reports each year in Terms 2 and 4.  Parent Teacher interviews are conducted at the end of Terms 1 and 3 and on request by either parent/guardian or teacher.

Each student will receive tuition in all key learning areas. At Bath Street, we do believe that wherever possible inclusion is more beneficial than removing students from their class environment; so, students with special learning needs will be catered for in the classroom through one to one tutoring, small group work, EAL/D support and special programs.  Where necessary though students will work with the Inclusion support staff outside the classroom.

Bath Street has a number of Aboriginal students, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures are taught across all curriculum areas.  Other cross-curriculum priorities taught are Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia and Sustainability.

The children at Bath Street participate in a range of community activities and celebrations including ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day.  During the year, the campus participates in national events such as Children’s Book Week and Science Week.

Previously a “Kidsmatter” school, all campuses are now part of the new national initiative called ‘Be You’.  This program supports children and young people’s mental health.  As a staff, we make a commitment to working through the various components of the ‘Be You’ program.  Our vision is to have a learning community that is positive, inclusive and resilient.  Pastoral Care Coordinators oversee this initiative.

Our Campus Leadership Team consists of Head of Campus, Religious Education Coordinator, Curriculum Coordinator and Pastoral Care Coordinator who meet regularly to support the well-being of the students on this campus.