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Payment Options

An invoice for annual fees will be sent out to all families at the start of Term 1 each year.

Please note: School fees are due strictly by the due date. If payment cannot be made by the due date, please contact our Business Finance Manager to organise a payment plan. If the account remains outstanding, follow up action will include referring the account to a debt collection agency. Please note that fees are subject to change at the beginning of each year.

Families requiring support/concessions need to contact the Business Finance Manager and submit an application. Short-term measures can be put in place to assist families in these circumstances. Concessions are available to families at the discretion of the Principal only.

Student Withdrawal and Refund

A full term’s notice must be given in writing by completing a Student Departure Notification form. This is to be forwarded to the Campus reception before a student is withdrawn from the College. Failure to provide the required notice will result in fees being charged for the period by which the notice falls short of a term (1 term = 10 weeks). Payment Information

Payment Options

The following payment options are available to pay your school fees:

  1. Cash - at any Campus
  2. EFTPOS – at any Campus
  3. BPay – see invoice for details
  4. Direct Debit - contact your bank or Campus reception for a payment authority
  5. Centrelink - deductions from family payments
  6. Government Payroll Deductions

If you are unable to settle your account when due please contact the Business Finance Manager on (08) 8950 6403.