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Ann Sijoy - Dux of 2023

9th February 2024

Ann Sijoy - Dux of 2023

We proudly announce that Principal Wake has awarded Ann Sijoy, the prestigious prize, Dux of 2023. 🏆 In a ceremony filled with pride and admiration, Principal Wake presented this well-deserved accolade to the shining star of our school, recognising the hard work, dedication, and outstanding academic achievements throughout the year. As our Dux gracefully accepted the prize, their journey echoed the spirit of OLSH – determination, excellence, and a commitment to lifelong learning. We couldn't be prouder of Ann's accomplishments and the bright future ahead. Congratulations to our Dux of 2023. Your success inspires us all and is a testament to the incredible talent thriving within our OLSH community. 

Watch the acceptance speech here:

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