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Totem Theatre

1:09pm - 9:00am 12 Feb 2024

Totem Theatre

Totem Youth Theatre is a safe and inclusive space designed to create a platform and outlet for the imagination and creativity of local youth.

Classes are designed to promote confidence through theatre games, along with developing basic theatre performance skills.

Specifically designed for students with limited or no experience that wish to have a basic introduction to theatre concepts; however anyone within the prescribed age group is welcome to enrol.

Students will be expected to participate in all activities provided, which will help them build their confidence and theatrical skills; as well as having some fun along the way.


2024 Semester One

JUNIOR CLASS (6 - 12 YEARS): Saturdays 8:15 am – 9:15 am

Tutors:                 Andrew McCormack & Kaelin Love

Class Duration:  1 hour

Semester Cost:  $300.00

                                Please note there are limited spaces available for enrolment.

                                Enrolment is on a first come, first served basis.

                                Payment in full is a condition to completing enrolment.

*Sports Vouchers will be accepted, however payment must be first made in full to reserve your childs enrolment. Upon presentation of the Sports Voucher, a refund for the value of the voucher will be arranged. Sports Vocuhers must be presented no later than 09th March 2024.

Dates:                     Feb 10th – Jun 15th 2024 (No Class on 30th March and 06th April 2024)


Venue:                 Totem Theatre
                                Between Anzac Oval and the Todd River
                                Alice Springs, NT 0870


Contact Details:
Please direct all enquiries to

(This email address is usually checked and responses provided within 5 days, during an active Semester. Outside that time, this email address is not regularly monitored.)


We remind you that Totem Youth Theatre is operated by volunteers, who are providing their time and skills in this endeavour.


The Totem Youth Theatre Club (TYT Club) is a subsidiary of the Alice Springs Theatre Group and is governed by Totem Theatre Committee.